Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Bubble Runway

The beauty of unpacking is that we have truck loads of fun material to play with. That means a ton of bubble wrap! I'm sure though, that most of you are just as bad as Eric and I, and you buy a ton online. Us moms make up such a large part of online consumers, it's crazy! I swear the rest of the online shopping group consists of people like Eric, who would be thrilled if they never had to walk in a store with their wife again, for fear she may be distracted by what's around her and buy something she doesn't need. The point is, we all have pretty easy access to bubble wrap. And this stuff is fun for all ages.

Today we just used a tiny piece, but you can get as creative and outrageous as you want. Cover your whole floor in bubble wrap, why don't you?! We had a little friend over the last time we did this and we had a piece that nearly covered the front room. In the learning process we decided to tape the corners of the bubble wrap down because plastic, wood floors and fast feet don't mix. We just used a little duct tape. You can buy pretty cute colors and designs at the Target dollar stop!

Once those fast feet have had enough, try the bum bounce method. Definitely a hit at our house.

Audette got in to the "bubble runway" a little too much. She decided she needed more space and had to clear the furniture.

I wasn't quite sure what she was hoping to do with this pose, but I let her experiment and encouraged the baby push up bubble popping method. Whatever makes them happy, right?

Our duct tape was super easy to clean up, but if you are worried about putting it down on some surfaces, painters tape would be a great solution.

Our bubble popping fun was right before nap time, so after clean up we decided some snuggles and a little clip of Toy Story was necessary to calm down after our wild and crazy bubble popping fun.

For activities like these I feel like the photos barely do it justice. I'm thinking I should start posting video clips. I'm sure you would have all loved to see the baby push up pose in motion.

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