Friday, May 17, 2013

Flash Card Friday

We're playing flash card games again. This one is as easy as an Easter egg hunt and just as fun!

While Audette was eating lunch, I picked out all of the cards we have been working on recently and placed them around our living room. I made sure they were all on a little person's level. We use FlashKids cards and each of the pictures come in sets of three. I use all three pictures so we get a little repetition during our flash card play.

Then I gave Audette a bag and let her go to town "hunting" for her cards. I had to help a little by pointing out some of the difficult places, but Audette was quite the pro. Collecting toys and putting them in a bag seems to be one of Audi's favorite games. Every kid is different, but you can adapt to their needs. Maybe you sit in a corner of the room and tell them to go hunt for the apples and then bring them back to you and then the trains. How ever you do it, have fun! We did.

This activity was surprisingly FUN. Audette probably could have continued for hours. Once we finished, we emptied her bag and organized all of the cards, reviewing everything we had found. Although she can't say every word, she can pick them out pretty well these days. Repetition with flash cards is really paying off at our house. If you have any fun flash card activities, we would love to hear them!


  1. SOOO cute. 1. Such a great idea. 2. I LOVE your couch!

  2. DITTO! What a great way to play your flash card game! She is one lucky little girl... and by the way... I am stealing your pillows!

    1. Debbie,
      If you come visit, we'll let you take them home. :)
      xo Darien
