Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Imagination at Play

It is never too early to start playing pretend with your little one. Ok, maybe we started a little early, but yesterday when I was unpacking boxes in the kitchen, I realized it had paid off!

I receive weekly emails from Baby Center, a website for new and experienced moms who want tips on their child's development. (They really are wonderful and you can sign up to receive emails that correlate with your child's age.) A recent article I read mentioned the following about helping your child begin using their imagination:

By playing out a familiar scenario, such as mealtime, you will encourage your toddler to use her imagination. Let your child be the chef, and give her a plastic mixing bowl, a manual eggbeater, spoon, and strainer. When she's finished "cooking" something yummy for you, have her help you set a pretend table so you can enjoy a pretend meal together.

Pretend play has always been a big thing in our house, whether it is with stuffed animals, boxes or even tupperware, which is Audette's favorite toy in the kitchen. When I am making dinner or putting dishes away, or in today's instance, unpacking boxes, Audette goes to her little cupboard and does what Mommy does.

As I was up on a stool unpacking a box I heard a little sound coming from below, "mmm" and "yumm". I looked down to see Audette carrying around her little bowl (full of other bowls) and putting it up to her mouth. I'm sure it was the most delicious soup she had ever tasted. She even shared some with me. Practice imaginary play with your kid when you have time to play together and then when you need a moment to get something done, they will be able to play on their own.

A darling friend of mine has really learned the key to this. Shalon, a mother of three, has a little boy who loves to imagine and he involves his two little twin sisters in every adventure. He usually is the good guy and the two girls are the arch nemesis (i.e. he plays the angry bird and the girls are the evil egg-stealing pigs), but what a great skill to teach your oldest child that they can help pass on to their siblings!

Oh, and we are just as good at real eating as imaginary eating, at our house. :)


  1. I love to imagine! That I'm on a beach! ;)

  2. Yes, Gabriel started doing this too. We had a little picnic with his stacking cups and when I would make supper, he'd make "Key soup" with the car keys and a big bowl. I am pretty sure there was a post on it... But I can't remember. It was cute though.

    1. Stephanie,
      It is fun how kids start going through the exact same things at the same time! I think that is my favorite thing about doing this blog. Although everything is pretty basic and straightforward, I love being able to hear from other moms who are doing the same things with their littles. It makes me feel like I still have my fun neighbors wherever we go!
      xo Darien
