Monday, May 20, 2013

Mommy's Mantra: Water Your Own Grass

I came across this quote on Instagram earlier this week and it has been on my mind. A lot. Then last night, as we were walking through the beautiful park near our home, a dear friend and I had a thought provoking conversation about "keeping up with the Joneses", while we were watching our kids play.

It used to be that you just had to mow your lawn and plant a row of geraniums to measure up to the people next door, but now you have to create the Pinterest perfect party for your kid's 4 month birthday and blog about it (with your professional photographer), all while wearing that adorable Audrey Hepburn replica dress you made yourself. Plus, the photo sesh with your babe looks amazing because her outfit is 100% etsy-inspired and you just had a brazilian blow out done. At least, that is what it seems like. From my vantage point, my little 2.31x4.5 iPhone screen, people's lives look pretty perfect. In fact, I'm sure to some, my life may appear that way as well. (Believe me, we are far from it.) But that is why I LOVE this quote. No, I'm not of the mindset that we should ignore the people around us and not recognize their super green grass. Instead, celebrate how wonderful their life is. Then, move on. Move on to your own grass.

I think then, the key is to water. Watering takes time, love, energy and isn't that the key to finding happiness, satisfaction, perfection in your own life and home. As women we compare ourselves constantly, and a majority of us have that really awesome A-type personality that drives us to our wit's end in an attempt to make everything picture perfect and make everyone happy along the way. Most of the time it is for the benefit of those looking in and no one else. If we instead turned that effort inward, whether it is by putting more energy in to our children, our marriage, our personal emotional and spiritual needs, we would realize our grass is green and getting greener. Greenest. Grassiest. It is there, in our green grass we would want to stay and play and cherish the incredible beauty that makes us, us.


  1. What a wonderful sentiment and very well put.

  2. I'm loving this Darien! The last few lines really struck me, the part about turning our effort inward instead of doing things for people who are watching and will see us. "In our grass we would want to stay and play"...I love that. I'm going to try to think that way today. Thanks so much Darien for the insight! Keep them coming, your blog is so fun!

    1. Melissa,
      Thank you for your awesome example! You are definitely the type of person to love who you are and not take for granted everything you have been blessed with.
      xo Darien

  3. I seriously love your Mommy Mantra series! This quote is great, I've thought a lot about it since first reading your post. I'm not super perfect at "turning my focus inward" and not comparing, but I'm sure few women are, but I feel really fortunate that this is a lesson I'm learning relatively early in my mommy-hood. It's something that I'll have to keep working on... without feeling guilty that I'm not there yet! (by the way, I'm sleepless at a crazy hour which is giving me the opportunity to finally comment on your blog... that's why there are a few!)

    1. Stephanie,
      It is really nice to have friends, like you, who remind me to "turn my focus inward", as you put it so well. I think as you surround yourself with people who are striving for good things, you have a desire to strive for those things to. And I am right there with you, this will be an ongoing battle, but a worthy one, right? :)
      xo Darien
