Monday, May 6, 2013

Mommy's Mantra: Travel Happy

I haven't posted for the past couple of days because our family has been in a big transition. We began moving in to a house this past week and our life is full of boxes. Moving and change is always an interesting step in your life. For some it comes very easily. I love when I see people close one chapter and open the next with grace. I typically embrace change, but this past transition has been a particularly tough one for me and our family. Some days I have felt pretty unhappy. It is over very trivial speed bumps in our family journey, most of them are so silly that you would probably laugh if I went in to great detail, so I won't. Well, here's a little peek: our family has moved 4 times in the past 3 months and has been living out of three suitcases the entire time. Not a horrible hardship compared to what life brings so many other people, but my little hardship, nonetheless.

I kept thinking that when we finally found our house, life would get better, we would stop arguing, Audette would feel less "tossed around", I would be happier. During two different discussions with my parents, they imparted some wise words of wisdom to help me realize that my hope for our happy future was a little unrealistic. My mom reminded me, "your happiness is up to you." My dad reminded me, "this is your chance to start your next chapter off right." If you know my parents, you know that they have had an incredible journey in life, with so many ups and downs, yet they are still the most wise and loving people I know. They are probably that way because of everything they have been through. I made a decision this past week that I would just "be happy." Every day I am going to find something that frustrates me, exhausts me, annoys me, makes me cry, but I can ignore all of those feelings and travel through this next chapter, just being happy.

The quote is by Margaret R. Runbeck. I follow Great Minds Quotes on twitter and love their daily inspiration.

A couple of dear friends have a blog that is simply fun to read. Someone I look up to posted a wonderful entry on change and transition and finding peace in your journey there. Read the Doe a Deery post here.


  1. Darien, I find your post today really resonated with me. It is really hard to move all the time. We are in Squamish now, but likely heading to Houston for four months in Sept. And then.... who knows where. It's always up in the air. Always an "adventure." and Me, I like to plan things, see the future, get the lay of the land so I find this really hard. I wrote the following post when I was waiting to move to Washington, DC with our family and had been living in my inlaws house for a month. Just a little bit about patience and "distraction" which I think leans more on what you write here about the journey rather than the destination. I think we get drilled into the end result all the time--what mark did you get? Did you finish your assignment? What are you going to be? etc, etc. But finding that the journey is even better these days. It's hard for us type As to embrace that. Here is a little blog from awhile ago:

    And if you care to read more on how we are embracing our journey currently...

    Just a few thoughts on turning thirty that you might enjoy... Because sometimes the days can get long and we are trying to figure out where we are supposed to be... Etc. Anyway, hope you can relate.

    Do come and visit with us in Vancouver. I'll be posting shortly on Granville Island which is sort of like the Eastern market combined with the Torpedo Factory. Perhaps a sort of upscale Pike's Place Market. Honestly, the market here is the BEST I've ever seen. You'd love it!!!!

  2. Ps. I am loving your posts. You always have such great ideas and your mama mantras are something that I can definitely relate to. Please keep posting! I am sure that, just like me, you find it a good outlet.


    1. Stephanie,
      I thought of you a lot as we were moving from place to place here in Seattle. You are one of those people I was talking about! So graceful. :)
      I loved your post on turning 30! And yes, I agree with you, this is becoming a very relaxing almost meditative outlet for me. Even if it is only for myself, I am happy to write!
      Oh and if you still want to share your "traveling with a toddler" experience on the blog, I would love to have you post!
      xo Darien

  3. What a great post - you are someone I imagine handles every situation with grace. It's nice to know we're all human, and that sometimes life seems to throw just too many things at us at once.

    Today, I definitely needed both your thoughts and a reminder of the thoughts in my post. Thanks for helping me remember. It's always nice to have a record of good, clear, rational thoughts to look back on, especially on days that are less than good, clear or rational.

    Good luck unpacking! Wish I were there to help.

    1. Rachel,
      I just wish you were in the neighborhood!
      And I couldn't agree with you more, it is wonderful to have a record, even if it is my journal that I am looking back on. The nice thing about blogs is that I actually edit my material, to some extent, whereas my journal is quite the mess. I also have been more contemplative throughout the week as I prepare for what I will write. Focusing and meditating on one thing is doing wonders for my 300 miles per minute mind!
      xo Darien

  4. Darien! This is my first reply to a blog post....:) Your quote yesterday came at perfect timing. Its always nice to hear that other people have hard days too! So I totally slept in until 9:30 and Kevin fed Liam and himself because Mom wouldn't get out of bed (my three year old going on 15)! I have found that I'll always find something to be upset about if I'm looking for it. For some reason it is always easier to find things to be upset about than to find things to be happy about. I would love to be able to have the journeys that you and your little family have had. New places, new people, etc. Your posts are so fun to read and your probably don't realize how many people you inspire. Trials really are a compliment from our Heavenly Father because he trusts us with those trials and he knows we can make it through them. I so wish I could be there to help you pack!
    PS Two babes were easier for me than one. It kept life busier. (Just a little FYI) :)
    -Steph Call-

    1. Steph,
      You are an incredible mom! In fact, most of the time I think, "Steph didn't worry about this" or "she did it this way" and I follow suit. i loved watching you raise little Kev. Wish I could see you more of your family, but I love being updated on all of the fun adventures you guys have. I wish we had been at your house for lawn mowing and wagon rides. :)
      xo Darien
      And we'll keep you posted when we decide to bring along another Laird!

  5. Thank you for this post, Darien. You have shared such an important reminder for me. Looking back, some of my happiest times have been while going through something difficult and then consciously choosing happiness in the journey.

    I think the most powerful message of all is our ability to choose happiness, no matter our circumstances. Brava to you for your example!

    Big hug, and best wishes getting rid of the cardboard jungle!

    1. Shalon,
      You are spot on, choosing is the key! I would love to learn from all of your experiences. You have such great insight.
      xo Darien

  6. I loved this post Darien! I'm with Rachel, you're the kind of person I would picture always handling all things with grace! What a good reminder that all of us are just people — people that don't do things perfectly or handle things perfectly. Right now my happiness challenge is finding the good in the absolutely identical day-after-day routines. This is the first year in the last 12 or so that hasn't included a major change of scenery for me or I haven't been in a the middle of some "adventure," so I'm covering some new ground in a very mundane way that just eats at me if I let it. It's the whole Groundhog Day concept. But I know that years later slowly those routines will fade out before I know it, and I'll wonder why I spent all those days begrudgingly doing what needed to be done instead of loving the process, and more importantly, the people in the process. It is a decision made with a conscious effort, an effort I'd like to put forth more often. Thanks for the reminder.

    I can't wait to see what comes next on your blog! Thanks so much for the ideas and the insights into fun ideas. You're missed out here, and this just reminds me how much I wish we could be neighbors!!


    1. Melissa,
      I wish we could be neighbors too!
      I just watched something my sister sent me the other day and it was the perfect video for me. It is a little long, but captures just what you are talking about.
      xo Darien
