Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Trash Treasures

So the rocks have been a hit at home, literally. Here's a great way to turn your trash into a musical treasure and keep those rocks contained that you collected the other day!

Grab any empty container: water bottles, milk jugs, soda bottles, juice containers. Just wash, dry and play.

Audette loved figuring out which rocks were too big to fit and which would fall back out when she tipped the jug upside down. This would be fun to do with several different containers that have different size openings. Then Audi could try out different bottles until all of the rocks were put away in a bottle.

Now a quick twist of the lid and Ta Da! Shake, shake, shake. Not only did we make up at least three songs to sing while we shook our new instrument around the house, once Audi learned how to take the lid off and on, she was entertained for minutes. (Minutes of entertainment is amazing for this little busy body!)

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