Thursday, April 25, 2013

Out & About

Let's talk cell phones. I used to be one of those people who said, "I will never hand my baby a cell phone or some sort of electronic device to keep her occupied." Then I became a REAL mom and I got REAL. It is impossible to spend every day doing cute, crazy, creative activities, right? Or maybe it's just me. But every so often moms need to get out and run some errands or go buy themselves a new pair of jeans. (Ok let's be honest, most errands usually involve grocery shopping or buying something for your kids.)

The first time I introduced the cell phone was on a shopping trip. My younger brother was buying shoes with my mom and Audette was not loving being in the stroller. Plus, I knew the second I took her out she would clear the entire Nordstrom shoe display. So many friends had told me their babies loved looking at pictures, videos and all kinds of apps for toddlers. I downloaded my first, then and there: Fisher Price. Since then, it's been a big hit. If you haven't ventured in to the world of cell phone apps for toddlers, I would highly recommend the Fisher Price apps. In your app store, search Fisher Price and you will find a collection to choose from, all based on your babies age and learning level. They focus on repetitive learning: everything from the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and animals. Simple, straight-forward learning.

I would love to hear what you moms have to say about the wild world of personal electronic devices. How often do you use them? When are the best times to introduce them to little ones? Are you completely anti or have you broken down and given your kid their own iPod or similar device?

For me, cell phone play tends to be my last resort for shopping outings. I've found that discovering helpful little places to play along the way keeps Audette entertained and engaged. A great place to take a break is the dressing room. I used to avoid these like the plague because it seemed too difficult, but then I remembered my little girl is a bit vain and likes to stare at herself in the mirror. (Wonder where she got that from?) Most stores have the dressing rooms big enough for a family circus, which means just enough enclosed space to run around and check out the different mirrors and benches. It's a good snack time break too, just make sure you set limits on crawling underneath the doorways. That could be a disaster!

Empty elevators are also a fun place to let out some energy. I'm sure I've been caught hundreds of times on security cameras singing and dancing to little Audi in an empty elevator. She always appreciates the extra focus when we are alone together, since shopping malls and stores can be overwhelming.

When it comes to food on an "out and about" trip, anyone who knows Audette, knows having something handy to munch on is imperative. Tupperware or Ziplock baggies full of dried or cut up fruit, cheese or crackers can keep her busy through several stores, but it is always fun when we throw in a little bit of a spin and meet up with Dad for a special snack.

Even if it means getting in the car and driving to Dad, I think both dads and kids can't get enough of those special moments together. And when Dad isn't available or close by, even a special stop with Mom shows your little one she is just as important as those groceries you had to pick up for dinner tonight.

Seattleites or future visitors: Top Pot Doughnuts is a fun local treat. And if donuts aren't your thing, they also serve ice cream! Salted Caramel is heavenly.

Now, I really want to hear what you have to say about handing toddlers electronic devices! Let me know what I'm missing or what mistakes I'm making in this unknown world.


  1. OK, so I used be the kind of person that said, "No cellphones too." But then it has saved me a couple of times. The problem is that Gabriel has dropped it many many times and on concrete or pavement... not good. The other thing is that he sucked and drooled all over it and ruined the earpiece AND the mouthpiece. The earpiece works again but not the other... :( Of course, you could set limits on that too, but to be honest, didn't we just hand them the device to calm them down... and then if they aren't listening to the no chewing rule... then we have to take it away... and it only seems to cause more problems... Just wasn't worth it. I wish I could use any electronic device as a learning tool.... I think some babies will actually sit still and be nice to them. But not my little G. Apparently this is normal for very active boys??? But if those factors weren't problems, then I think I would likely do it. It would especially help with our 8 hour plane ride coming up. Sorry for the novel I wrote here. Enjoy! Love the blog!

    1. Stephanie,
      Cell phones are expensive! This is the same problem I had with passing a very expensive "toy" to my little one. The funny thing with my phone is that the last person to shatter the screen was not Audette, it was me... I guess that means I can trust Audi more than myself with important devices. :)
      You are right though, every mom knows their own kids limits. A friend, Nikkie, posted on Instagram that they gave their son an old Blackberry. Sounds like a good use for an old piece of equipment that may just sit in a drawer.
      We actually found a play cell phone at Target for Audette too. It has tons of buttons and makes a lot of noise, nothing compares to the sleek iPhone. The colors on the screen make all the difference.
      Maybe you should guest blog your activities for your 8hr plane ride! Tons of snacks and Sesame Street or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows on the iPad has saved us on long flights.
      xo Darien

    2. YAY!! Would love to. I'll send you a note once we get back to Vancouver. xo

    3. Perfect! Can't wait and good luck!
