Monday, April 22, 2013

Stickers Get Stuck in Silly Places

Here's a little activity inspired by a couple of our friends and they don't even know it! Our friend from Arizona, Nikkie, posted a darling picture of her little boy playing with stickers the other day and it reminded me how much Audette LOVES stickers. (Who doesn't?) Then on Sunday two little boys pulled out a page of bug stickers behind us and decided to share with Audi. Mid-meeting I turned around to see Audi putting yellow butterflies all over the little boy's chin. She was cracking up the entire time. It was a little disruptive, but it got the wheels turning for our Monday morning activity.

Most of Audette's toys are still in storage, but we have a couple of dolls she received recently from darling friends and family, so we pulled them all out and sat them in a row, while Audi started peeling back her favorite stickers. And then we went to work. "Audi, put a sticker on your doll's nose."

Sometimes they got stuck in silly places, but Audette started getting the hang of it. Plus, her little fingers got a workout pulling off the stickers and figuring out how to get them unstuck. Not only did we practice different body parts, but it was a good practice of possessive adjectives: my nose, your nose, her nose, his nose, the doll's nose, the bear's nose. No, I didn't use the word "possessive" with Audette during our little game, and, yes, I did get a couple layers of stickers all over my face too. :)

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