Friday, April 19, 2013

Flash Card Friday

Rainy days! Fun inside and it's a good thing this little girl LOVES learning. Seriously, she is almost as big a nerd as I am. Look at that face.

I found some great flash cards at Barnes and Noble one day when I was on my epic search for teaching tools for a one-year-old. They are made by FlashKids, great images and pretty sturdy. It still took a little while to teach Audi that we don't bend the flashcards.

For this flashcard game I pick out a couple of cards I know Audette recognizes: foods we eat, animals are always a favorite. Then while she is napping or eating I will set them up on the ground in a random order to prep for the game.

Then I ask her to find me the dog, cat or apple. She'll go pick it up and bring it back to me. Sometimes it takes a couple times, but I love that these cards have several cards with the same image. That way we get several opportunities to practice.

Flascard Nerd. :)


  1. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to pop over to B&N and give it a try.

    1. Stephanie,
      This is the alphabet set, but we also picked up the numbers and spanish set. The numbers may not be as age appropriate for these guys quite yet, but all of the colors are great and I love the images. These are some of Audette's favorite toys! Maybe because I put them on the top shelf and they only come down when Mom is helping. :)
      Let me know what you think and what fun games you and G come up with!
